Get Sculpted & Toned Arms with ArmSculpt™

"My arms have never looked better! I am so happy with my result and can't wait until I can finally wear tank tops and show them off!

ArmSculpt™ is a liposculpting procedure for the upper arms. Your surgeon removes stubborrn fat from the upper arms and tightens the skin at the same time with Renuvion Jplasma. By adding the skin tightening technology, you end up with sculpted and toned arms than with liposuction alone.

Chicago Breast and Body surgeons are among the top plastic surgeons in Illinois and the country.

ArmSculpt™ Arm Liposculpting Benefits


  • Removes stubborn arm fat. Getting Lipo360 and a Brazilian Butt Lift removes fat from areas you don’t want and transfers them to areas that you do to give you the curves in all the right places!
  • Natural results!  Brazilian Butt Lift uses your own fat to build your new butt!  Unlike implants that can look and feel fake, your own fat is soft and supple and will give you safe, natural results.
  • Tightens the skin under the arms. The fat doesn’t go away. With our technique, we get on average 70-80% fat take and most patients will have permanent results.  As long as you follow your surgeon’s instructions and maintain a healthy diet and exercise, your brazilian butt lift results will last.
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Why Choose Dr. Chicago Breast & Body?

Voted one of America’s Top Surgeons in the field of Cosmetic Surgery by Consumer’s Research Council of America.

Dr. Truong holds three board certifications including the American Board of Surgery, the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery.  He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.  Dr. Truong is the founder and CEO of Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics and is well-respected among patients and peers and holds a long list of academic awards and professional accolades. Dr. Truong is considered one of the Top Surgeons in Illinois.

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Dr. Pey-Yi Kevin Lin is a board certified plastic surgeon in Chicago who emphasizes tailored care and treatment to each individual patient.   Dr. Lin is skilled in both Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and completed his fellowship at the University of Texas – Health Science center at Houston. There he trained under nationally renowned aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons, gaining valuable insight and an unparalleled experience. His interest lies in body contouring procedures to help patients reach their desired body shape.


What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Is It The Same as a Buttock Augmentation (Gluteoplasty)?

Brazilian Butt Lift or “BBL” is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to augment and enhance the buttocks to make them look fuller and more voluptuous.

The term “lift” is a misnomer, since the procedure is actually a fat-augmentation or fat-transfer procedure and not an actual lift. A traditional buttock-lift would require cutting and shifting of tissues with long incisions.

Brazilian Butt Lift on the other hand, requires only tiny stab incisions and works by taking your own fat from one area of the body, purifying it, and injecting back into the buttock and hip area.


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Dr. Truong enjoys keeping his followers up to date on the latest transformations, follow us on Instagram @ChicagoPlasticSurgery

Who is a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure?
Do I need a lot of fat?

A good candidate is someone who is in good health, at or near their ideal body weight, and wishes for a more aesthetic buttock shape.

  • Ideally, the patient should have good skin quality with minimal skin laxity and good muscle tone. Although liposuction is part of the BBL procedure, it is not a weight loss procedure. Patients with BMI over 30 will need to lose weight to get under 30 BMI (Calculate your BMI here) to become a candidate for a BBL.
  • Patients who are very thin or have little body fat may still be a good candidate for a Skinny BBL procedure.
  • Patients who have loose skin or muscle laxity around their abdominal area due to pregnancy or weight loss may need a Tummy Tuck to address those issues.
  • Patients with certain body types (e.g. central obesity or apple shape) may not be ideal candidates for this procedure because they may carry their fat inside the abdomen (visceral fat) which is not accessible with liposuction.
  • Finally, any patient undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift must have reasonable expectations. Although the BBL can be an amazing transformative procedure, it is a medical procedure subject to surgical, physical, and safety limitations.
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Does a BBL actually lift my buttocks?
Technically, the answer is no.

Since a traditional lift requires cutting and shifting of skin and soft tissues, it is a much more invasive procedure with long scars. With a BBL, there are no scars, and no skin or tissue is removed.

In fact, tissue (fat) is ADDED to the area to increase volume and fill the skin that is there. If the area is fuller and tighter, there is an illusion of a lift, hence the term. The Brazilian Butt Lift should be viewed as a body-transformation procedure and not simply a lift!

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Where does the fat come from?
From places you don't want it . . .

The beauty of the BBL is that the fat is harvested from other parts of your body where you have excess fat. In most cases, the fat comes from abdominal or belly fat, flanks or muffin-top fat, and back fat. Fat from the thighs and arms can also be used.

Since harvesting fat from the abdomen, waist, and back area makes those areas thinner, the net effect is even more pronounced when the buttocks and hips are made fuller. So since the procedure uses liposuction to harvest the fat from other areas, in essence, you are getting two procedures in one!

How long does the fat last?
This is the cool part...

This is a very common question. The true wonder of this procedure is that it uses your own live fat cells.

As long as those fat cells are kept alive and are happy in their new home, they will live and thrive there providing you with essentially permanent results.

Since they are your own fat cells, they will continue to grow and shrink if your overall weight fluctuates, but they would change proportionately.

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How much fat can be injected?
Enough to achieve an amazing result...

This is a very common question and the answer is not concrete. The amount of fat that can be transferred really depends on your body type and the quality of the fat that can be harvested.

Dr. Truong and Dr. Lin adhere safety guidelines which limits the amount of fat harvested as well as the amount injected in one procedure.

Most Brazilian Butt Lifts will achieve fantastic results while staying within the limits of patient safety.

Who decides how much fat can be injected for my BBL surgery?
You and your surgeon decide together.

We can decide together the amount we shoot for, but ultimately it’s your BODY that decides. By this I mean the amount of healthy live fat your body gives us and the ability of the tissues and skin to stretch and accept the newly injected fat. In most cases, your surgeon will remove as much fat as safely possible and transfer as much as your skin will stretch.

It’s important to remember every patient’s anatomy is different so as much as you would like to decide how much fat you would like to be transferred it’s not always possible. If your skin is tight, multiple stages may be necessary for more dramatic results, i.e. Second Stage BBL or Round 2 BBL.

How long does the procedure take and what is my recovery?
Plan to take about a week of downtime . . .

Depending on how many areas have to be liposuctioned to harvest the fat, the procedure can take anywhere from 2-5 hours.

Once the procedure is done, you will be in recovery for approximately another hour or when you are considered stable to go home.

You may experience some drainage from the small incisions which typically subsides within 24 hours. You will allowed to shower after 48 hours.

You will be placed into a special compression garment which you should wear for at least 2 weeks. You should plan to take approximately 1 week to rest and recover from your BBL surgery.

How much does arm liposuction cost in Chicago?

The cost of arm liposuction procedure will depend on your surgeon, operating room fee and location.

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Dr. Breast & Body’s before & after gallery is second to none, with thousands of surgeries, and zero serious complications, it’s no wonder our surgeons are among the Top Arm Liposuction surgeons in Chicago.

Get A Complimentary Body Analysis & Consultation (A $250 Value) Today!