Finally Get Rid of "Man-
Boobs" with top
Gynecomastia surgeons at

"I would happily recommend Dr. Truong to absolutely anyone who is dealing with gynecomastia. It is a life changing procedure."

Gynecomastia affects 6 out of 10 men. Millions of men suffer from enlarged male breast glands. Few men realize that gynecomastia is not necessarily a fat problem that will “go away” on its own.  ChestSculpt® is a simple 45-minute procedure can eliminate gynecomastia permanently.

Dr. Truong is a top rated Chicago surgeon and has performed many successful gynecomastia procedures at his XSculpt™ practice in Chicago, specializing in cosmetic surgery for men.



If you’ve ever wondered how a male breast reduction could benefit your appearance, you probably have a lot of questions about the procedure. At Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics, Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong will respond to any questions and concerns you may have to help you feel confident in your decision. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about gynecomastia treatment for male breast reduction.


What is gynecomastia?
Glandular enlargement of male breast tissue

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, is a condition in which a man develops prominent breast glands. This condition is often accompanied by excess fatty tissue in the breast area.

The result is feminizing of the chest area whereupon the nipples become the maximal point of protrusion on the chest.

The cause is multifactorial, but can be attributed to genetics, certain medications, exogenous hormones from food or supplements, marijuana, obesity, or certain medical conditions causing imbalance of hormones. In very rare cases, it can be caused by male breast cancer, which is important to rule out prior to undergoing treatment.

The vast majority of cases fall into the category of “idiopathic” or without clear medical cause. Gynecomastia has become increasingly common in the U.S. which may be linked to increased rates of obesity and added hormones in meat and dairy products consumed.

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Why Choose Dr. Truong?

Voted one of America’s top surgeons in the field of Cosmetic Surgery by Consumer’s Research Council of America.

Men and women from all over the country come to Chicago to see Dr. Truong. His amazing results earned him the reputation as the “breast & body specialist,” that’s why he named his Chicago center, Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics.

Dr. Truong is a board certified cosmetic surgeon with a long list of academic awards and professional accolades.

Dr. completed medical school at University of Colorado School of Medicine where he was encouraged to pursue a surgical career by his professors who saw in him the rare combination of intellect and talented hands that are the hallmarks of an excellent surgeon.

Dr. Truong served as Chief Resident at Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Lutheran General Hospital, Mercy Medical Center, and St. Francis Hospital. During his surgical training, Dr. Truong received numerous awards and was published for his research work in skin regeneration and artificial skin.

Dr. Truong pursued his interests in aesthetic surgery by gaining acceptance to a highly competitive American Academy Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship. During his fellowship, Dr. Truong dedicated an entire year exclusively to the art and practice of Cosmetic Surgery. His training included facial rejuvenation techniques, breast and body restorative surgeries, liposuction and body sculpting, as well as minimally invasive aesthetic surgery, and laser surgery.


Am I a good candidate for a male breast reduction?
If diet and exercise doesn't help...

No, when done correctly, the results of your procedure should appear very natural, and your healing garments can be hidden with regular clothing.

Dr. Truong uses a minimally invasive technique in which the tiny incisions are well hidden and will heal discreetly. After all, the primary goal is for you to feel comfortable showing your chest in public without obvious signs of surgery.

While cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity, some men may still feel self-conscious about undergoing male breast reduction. Dr. Truong will make every effort to ensure that your gynecomastia treatment meets your appearance goals while still keeping your procedure under wraps.

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Will it be obvious that I’ve had male breast reduction?
You'll look like you've been working out!

No, when done correctly, the results of your procedure should appear very natural, and your healing garments can be hidden with regular clothing.

Dr. Truong uses a minimally invasive technique in which the tiny incisions are well hidden and will heal discreetly. After all, the primary goal is for you to feel comfortable showing your chest in public without obvious signs of surgery.

While cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity, some men may still feel self-conscious about undergoing male breast reduction. Dr. Truong will make every effort to ensure that your gynecomastia treatment meets your appearance goals while still keeping your procedure under wraps.

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How long will my gynecomastia treatment take?
1-2 hours

Most patients will need 1 to 2 hours for their procedure. Male breast reduction is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you’ll be able to return home once you’re done.

However, the exact length of your surgery will depend on how much tissue needs to be removed. If your results require Dr. Truong to cosmetically contour the chest wall or nipple placement, the length of your procedure may be extended.

Dr. Truong also has a special technique to reduce post-op pain. He is careful to minimize blunt pulling of the tissue, avoid contact with the cartilage and ribs, and precisely control bleeding

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What can I expect during my recovery
Expect a week of recovery

Immediately after your gynecomastia treatment, you can expect to experience some swelling, discomfort, and pain near your incision site.

Dr. Truong will have you wear a compression garment for 1 to 2 weeks after your procedure to keep pressure on the healing tissue and prevent excess skin motion that may affect the healing process.

You will likely need to take at least 1 week off of work to rest and recover as well. Depending on how you’re feeling, you may return to work and light activities after the first week of healing, though individual healing times vary from patient to patient and shouldn’t be rushed.

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Will there be any scarring
With the lipo technique, nearly invisible scarring

As with most cosmetic procedures, there will be some scarring after your gynecomastia surgery. Most male breast reductions use only small incisions below the nipple-areola complex that give Dr. Truong access to the tissue underneath.

You may notice scars at the border of each nipple after your procedure, though these are usually small and disappear with time. Once the scars fully mature and fade, most patients barely notice them.

If liposuction alone is sufficient for treatment, the necessary incisions can be small enough that they heal up to nearly invisible.

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How long will it be until I see my final results?
You will see immediate results with ongoing improvement

You should see immediate results with this procedure. You may experience some swelling and bruising at first, though this typically resolves after a few weeks. As your body heals, you will begin to notice greater definition and flatness in your chest.

However, the healing process takes time, and you’ll likely need to wait 2 to 3 months before you see the final results of your male breast reduction. Providing you maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise, some patients continue to see improvement 6-12 months after the procedure!

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How long will the results last? Can the tissue grow back?
Results should be permanent

The results from your male breast reduction procedure should last for many years. In fact, the changes should be permanent provided you maintain a healthy weight and exercise. Once the breast gland is removed, it should not grow back under normal circumstances.

Dr. Truong removes 95% of the gland and leaves only the small portion that supports the nipple to prevent indentation. As you age or gain weight, you may experience some body changes which might include loss of muscle mass and skin laxity of your chest. This is a part of the normal aging process, but the area should always look better than if you never treated it at all.

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How much is male breast reduction surgery in Chicago?
Gynecomastia surgery cost

At Chicago Breast & Body we price all of out procedures very competitively. Cost shouldn’t be a deciding factor, however, because there is no law outlawing unqualified doctors from performing these surgeries. It’s best to find a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who will give you the best, and safest, results.

We regularly run specials on our gynecomastia procedures. Call to find out today.

Financing Available
We provide 12-month, 0%-interest Financing

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PRP Hair Restoration

Tummy Tuck


Mommy Makeover

Brazilian Butt Lift

Mini Tummy Tuck

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Cellulite Reduction

Laser Acne Scar Reduction

Laser Wrinkle Reduction

Ear Gauge Repair

Eyelid Lift (Bleph)

Asian Blepharoplasty

PrecisionTX Mini Facelift


Before & Afters

Dr. Truong's before & after gallery is second to none, with years of experience, 100s of surgeries, and zero serious complications, it's no wonder he's known as the "Breast & Body Specialist."

Male breast Reduction Chicago
Male Breast Reduction
Chicago Male Breast Reduction
Best Male Breast Reduction Surgeon in Chicago
Gynecomastia surgery before and after gallery

Imagine finally getting the masculine chest you

Imagine your shirts fitting just right . . .
Imagine how good it would feel to go to the beach or the pool!

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