Brow Forehead Lift | Chicago, Illinois

Restore Facial Balance With A Brow Lift

"The experience was truly beautiful, efficient, calming and very comforting due to the exceptional staff members and the attentiveness of Dr. Francine Vagotis."

A brow lift, or forehead lift procedure, is to reposition the eyebrows and forehead with the goal of creating a more youthful appearance. A brow lift procedure also can smooth forehead lines, wrinkles and lift a sagging brow that may result from facial aging.



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What Is a browlift?

Ptosis is most common among older adults due to the natural aging process. As you age, the levator muscle responsible for naturally lifting the brows and eyelid begins to stretch, which causes the eyelid to droop or fall.

A sagging brow may make you appear sad or "tired". A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow. You might choose to have a brow lift if you have a low, sagging brow or brow asymmetry.

A brow lift is often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a facelift , rhinoplasty, neck lift, or blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery).

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what are the benefits of a brow lift?

Eye brows should be positioned along the orbital rim, or bone above the eye. By surgically raising the position of the eyebrows, benefits may include:

  • Smooth frown lines across the forehead and between the eyebrows
  • Improve moderate hooding, or heavy appearance of upper eyelids or sagging brows so eyes appear more "open", brightening up your eyes
  • The result is permanent, which may eliminate the need for temporary neuromodulator injections

Why Choose Doctor Chicago Breast & Body

Award-Winning Top Cosmetic Surgeons. Voted "Best of Chicago" for Plastic Surgery in 2019 and 2020.

Dr. Truong holds three board certifications including the American Board of Surgery, the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery.  He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.  Dr. Truong is the founder and CEO of Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics and is well-respected among patients and peers and holds a long list of academic awards and professional accolades. Dr. Truong is considered one of the Top Surgeons in Illinois.

Dr. Vagotis is a leader in cosmetic procedures of the face and body, with over 33 years of experience in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery. She trained under Dr. Connel is also known as “the father of the modern facelift”. Because of the training Dr. Vagotis received under Dr. Connell, she possesses special techniques and skills that set her apart from other cosmetic surgeons in the Midwest. She currently practicing between her practice location in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics.

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Dr. Pey-Yi Kevin Lin is a board certified plastic surgeon in Chicago who emphasizes tailored care and treatment to each individual patient.   Dr. Lin is skilled in both Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and completed his fellowship at the University of Texas – Health Science center at Houston. There he trained under nationally renowned aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons, gaining valuable insight and an unparalleled experience. His interest lies in body contouring procedures to help patients reach their desired body shape.


Here are some of the most common questions when considering a brow or forehead lift.

Who is a good candidate for a brow lift?

You may be a good candidate for an eye brow lift if you:

  • Have ptosis of the eye lids e.g. droopy or heavy eyelids, causing you to appear tired all the time, or even obstructing your vision
  • Have asymmetry of the eye brows where one eye brow is higher or lower
  • Want to improve the position of your eyebrows for a more youthful appearance

If you have excess skin of the eyelids, your surgeon may also recommend a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift). This procedure can be done at the same time as your brow lift.

What are the different types of brow lifts?

  • Temporal brow lift, also known as a lateral brow lift, is a less extensive brow lift technique that only addresses the outer one-third portion of the eyebrows rather than the full brow area. The lateral brow is the portion that descends first as we age, creating heaviness to the upper eyelid. The temporal brow lift helps reverse this and is often combined with an upper blepharoplasty. Compared to other brow lift types, the temporal lift yields less dramatic results, but also has less risk and shorter healing times.
  • Endoscopic brow lift involves using an endoscope and requires small, less invasive incisions. Since incisions are minimal, endoscopic lift patients typically experience less pain, shorter recovery periods and no numbness of the scalp.
  • Trichophytic brow lift is commonly used for patients with higher hairlines, removes a portion of forehead skin (rather than raising the hairline) to elevate the eyebrows. The procedure uses an incision made just behind the hairline. The incision is strategically placed so that hair will grow right through it, camouflaging it.
  • Full coronal brow lift involves a single incision made from ear to ear that is placed across the forehead. Coronal lifts are ideal for individuals with smaller foreheads who are also interested in lifting their hairline.

How long does a brow lift procedure take?

The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia. The surgery takes about forty five minutes to an hour.

Are there non-surgical options for lifting the brows?

Neuromodulator injections may be a good option for candidates not wanting to undergo surgery. By injecting a neurotoxin, it provides a temporary lift to the eyebrows and can improve fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment would need to be repeated every three to four months. This option is best for younger patients with only early eyebrow descent.

What is the recovery for a brow lift?

You should plan on taking 5-7 days off work to recover. Immediately after the surgery, you may experience some swelling and bruising, but this should subside within a few days. Refer to your surgeon's instructions.

Your surgeon will want to see you for the following post operative appointments:

  • 1 day post op for drain removal (full coronal brow lift)
  • 6 days post op for suture removal
  • 1 month post op

How much does a brow lift cost?

Brow lift surgery costs range from $5,000 to $12,000 in Chicago, Illinois. The actual cost will depend on the surgical technique used and complexity of the case. A quote will be provided following your consultation.

Brow Lift Before & After Gallery

Seeing is believing and our before & after gallery is second to none, with thousands of surgeries, and zero serious complications, it’s no wonder our Chicago Breast & Body surgeons are among the top brow lift surgeons in Chicago.

Get A Complimentary Virtual Consultation (A $250 Value) Today!


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